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维 生 素 缺 少 症的英文

"维 生 素 缺 少 症"怎么读


  • avitaminosis
  • "维"英文翻译    tie up; hold together; link
  • "生"英文翻译    give birth to; bear
  • "素"英文翻译    white
  • "缺"英文翻译    be short of; lack
  • "少"英文翻译    young
  • "症"英文翻译    disease; illness
  • "维 生 素 a 酸" 英文翻译 :    tretinoin
  • "纤 维 素 醋 酯 薄 片" 英文翻译 :    cellulose acetate flake
  • "碎 茎 ( 生 产 麻 纤 维 的 过 程 )" 英文翻译 :    breaking
  • "少" 英文翻译 :    少Ⅰ形容词(数量小) few; little; less 少出差错 made fewer mistakes; 少说空话 renounce empty talk; 以少胜多 defeat the many with the few; 留下吃饭的人很少。 only a few stayed for dinner. 你应该少喝酒。 you should drink less. 七比九少二。 seven is two less than nine. 少花钱, 多办事。 get more done on less money. 现在我工作中困难少些了。now i meet with fewer difficulties in my work. 最近我们很少见到他。 we've seen very little of him lately.Ⅱ动词1.(不够原有或应有的数目; 缺少) be short; lack 缺医少药 be short of doctors and medicine; 还少一双筷子。 we still lack a pair of chopsticks. 我们还少两把椅子。we've still two chairs short. 我们少一个好的守门员。 we lack a good goalkeeper. 帐算错了, 少一块钱。 this account is wrong; we're one yuan short.2.(丢; 遗失) lose; be missing 看看少不少人。 see if anyone is missing. 少了一本书。 one book is missing. 他屋里少了东西。 he had lost sth. in his house. 羊群里少了几只羊。 a few sheep have been lost from the flock. 这里肯定少了一个字。 surely, there's a word missing here.3.(不要) stop; quit 少废话! stop talking rubbish! 少给我装蒜! stop pretending! 少来这一套。 cut it out.; quit that!Ⅲ副词1.(稀有) seldom 少见 seldom seen; unique; rare2.(暂时; 稍微) a little while; a moment 请少候。 wait a moment, please.
  • "缺" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(缺乏; 短少) be short of; lack 缺吃缺穿 have insufficient food and clothing; 缺人手 be short of hands; 什么也不缺。 nothing is lacking. 他们不缺资金。 they do not lack for funds. 这花儿缺水。 the flowers need watering. 这种原料较缺。 this kind of material is rather scarce. 这些条件缺一不可。 not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with. 庄稼缺肥缺水就长不好。 lacking manure and water, crops won't grow well.2.(残缺) be missing; be incomplete 这本书缺了两页。 two pages are missing from this book.3.(该到而未到) be absent 人都到齐了, 一个也不缺。 no one is absent. everybody's here.Ⅱ形容词(残破; 残缺) incomplete; imperfect 残缺不全 incomplete; fragmentary; 完美无缺 flawless; perfect; impeccableⅢ名词(空额) vacancy; opening; fault 补缺 fill a vacancy; 空缺 vacancy; opening
  • "专 注 力 缺 乏 及 过 度 活 跃 症" 英文翻译 :    adhd
  • "维" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(连接) tie up; hold together; link 维系 hold together; maintain2.(保持; 保全) maintain; safeguard; preserve; keep 维护 safeguard; defend; upholdⅡ名词1.(思想) thinking; thought 思维 thought2.[数学] (构成空间的每一个因素) dimension 三维空间 three-dimensional space3.(姓氏) a surname 维炜 wei wei
  • "症" 英文翻译 :    症名词(疾病) disease; illness 急症 acute disease; 癌症 cancer; 绝症 incurable disease; fatal illness
  • "生" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(生育; 生殖) give birth to; bear 生孩子 give birth to a child; 新生儿 newborn baby; 她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。 his wife gave birth to twin girls. 她生了一个男孩。 she has borne a boy.2.(出生) be born 他生于一九五○年。 he was born in 1950. 我有一种再生之感。 i feel as if i had been born again.3.(生长) grow 生根 take root; 生芽 sprout; 新生力量 newly rising [emerging] forces; 合抱之树, 生于毫末。 great oaks from little acorns grow. 杂草丛生。 weeds grow rankly. 这些草药一般是野生的。 these herbs usually grow wild.4.(生存; 活) live; exist 起死回生 raise sb. from the dead; bring sb. back to life; 宁愿站着死, 不愿跪着生。 better die standing than live kneeling. 我就是复活与生命, 谁相信我, 虽死犹生。 i am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.5.(产生; 发生) get; have 惹是生非 provoke a dispute; stir up trouble; 生冻疮 get chilblains6.(使燃料燃烧) light (a fire) 生炉子 light a stove; 生起一堆篝火 light a bonfireⅡ名词1.(生命) life 丧生 lose one's life; be [get] killed; 舍生取义 lay down one's life for a just cause; 一生 all one's life; one's lifetime; 有生之年 the remaining years of one's life2.(生计) livelihood 谋生 earn one's livelihood; make a living; 以写作为生 make a livelihood by writing; 他们以畜牧业为生。 they depended on animal husbandry for their livelihood.3.(学生)pupil;student:男生 man [boy] student; schoolboy; 师生关系 teacher-student relations4.(旧时称读书人) scholar 儒生 confucian scholar; 书生 intellectual; scholar5.(戏曲角色, 扮演男子) the male character type in beijing opera, etc.6.(姓氏) a surname 生用和 sheng yongheⅢ形容词1.(有生命力的; 活的) living 生物 living things2.(果实没有成熟) unripe; green 生瓜 unripe watermelon; 生苹果 a green apple; 这些桃子还是生的。 the peaches are not ripe yet.3.(没有煮过或煮得不够的) raw; uncooked 吃生虾 eat shrimps raw; 生肉[鱼] raw meat [fish]; 黄瓜可以生吃。 cucumbers can be eaten raw.4.(未经加工或锻炼过的) unprocessed; unrefined; crude 生皮 rawhide; (untanned) hide; 生石灰 quicklime5.(生疏; 不熟练) unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange 人生地不熟 a stranger in a strange place; 生词 new word; 刚到这里, 工作很生。 i've only just come here. i'm still not familiar with the work. 这个小孩认生。 the child is shy with strangers.6.(生硬; 勉强) stiff; mechanical 生凑 mechanically put together (disconnected words and phrases); arbitrarily dish up (unrelated facts); 我们不能生搬别人的经验。 we cannot apply mechanically other people's experiences.Ⅳ副词(用在某些表示感情、感觉的词的前面) very 生恐 for fear that; 腿被桌子撞得生疼。 i bumped against a desk and felt very painful in my leg. 我生怕她知道。 i am very much afraid that she knows it.Ⅴ[后缀]1.(某些指人的名词后缀) 学生 student; pupil; 医生 doctor2.(某些副词的后缀) 好生 carefully; properly; 怎生 how
  • "素" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(本色; 白色) white 素绢 white silk; 身穿缟素 in a white mourning dress2.(颜色单纯) plain; simple; quiet 素色 plain colour; 素纱罗plain gauze3.(本来的; 原有的) native 素性 one's disposition [temperament]Ⅱ名词1.(蔬菜、瓜果等食物) vegetable 吃素 be a vegetarian; 三荤一素 three meat dishes and one vegetable dish2.(带有根本性质的物质) basic element; element 毒素 poison; 色素 pigment; 维生素 vitaminⅢ副词(素来; 向来) usually; habitually; always 平素 usually; 青藏高原素有世界屋脊之称。 the qinghai-xizang plateau has long been known as the roof of the world
  • "少 少的" 英文翻译 :    little
  • "少, 缺少" 英文翻译 :    oligo-
  • "小的;少" 英文翻译 :    little
  • "最小(少)" 英文翻译 :    min minimum,the least
  • "缺,穷" 英文翻译 :    be hard ufor
  • "尺寸,维" 英文翻译 :    dim dimension
  • "维-狄克" 英文翻译 :    bowie and dick-type
  • "维a酸" 英文翻译 :    acid vitamin a; vitamin-a acid
  • "维b6" 英文翻译 :    antiderm
维 生 素 缺 少 症的英文翻译,维 生 素 缺 少 症英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译维 生 素 缺 少 症,维 生 素 缺 少 症的英文意思,維 生 素 缺 少 癥的英文维 生 素 缺 少 症 meaning in English維 生 素 缺 少 癥的英文维 生 素 缺 少 症怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。